Applying principles of chaos engineering to serverless

Chaos engineering is a discipline that focuses on improving system resilience through experiments that expose the inherent chaos and failure modes in our system, in a controlled fashion, before these failure modes manifest themselves like a wild fire in production and impact our users.

Netflix is undoubtedly the leader in this field, but much of the publicised tools and articles focus on killing EC2 instances, and the efforts in the serverless community has been largely limited to moving those tools into cloud-hosted functions.

But how can we apply the same principles of chaos to a serverless architecture? Can we adapt existing practices to expose the inherent chaos in these systems? What are the limitations and new challenges that we need to consider?

Join us in this talk as Yan Cui shares his thought experiments, and actual experiments, in his pursuit to understand how we can apply the principles of chaos to a serverless architecture. A word of warning though, you’re guaranteed to walk away with more questions than answers!