Convince your boss - Code Elixir LDN


On 16 August, Code Elixir LDN will bring 10 quality speakers together to give a mix of Elixir talks that range from beginner to advanced. Around the conference, are opportunities to also attend break-out sessions, professional one-to-ones, networking opportunities and free training from Nested on 17 August.

Consider the following, when convincing your boss to let you escape the office:

  • Code Elixir LDN saves your team time by getting Elixir answers to your tech problems from experts who have already spent the time solving them!
  • Code Elixir LDN helps your team avoid issues later down the line by learning more about Elixir and the next generation of tools, frameworks and processes now!
  • Code Elixir LDN brings top professionals, innovators and inventors together all in one place, maximising the opportunity for intensive learning and understanding.
  • Code Elixir LDN will bring you up to speed with new approaches, technologies and  processes in the Elixir community.
  • Code Elixir LDN will further amplify your understanding through networking with fellow developers and engineers, exchanging notes, experiences and solutions face-to-face.

Always Put it in Writing!

Follow up any verbal request in writing, your boss will know you mean it! Here is an example email:

Dear ‘Decision Maker,’

I am writing to request your approval to attend Code Elixir LDN (16 August 2018, London). I cannot miss this opportunity as the talks and conference activities will help me develop my skills around the Elixir and Erlang ecosystems. I hope to return from Code Elixir LDN with new techniques, insights, inspiration and confidence, which will be applicable directly to our current and future business goals.

There are discounts for group tickets, please contact for more information

I aim to attend the following talks:

16 Aug

  • Talk Title __________________________________________
  • Talk Title __________________________________________
  • Talk Title __________________________________________
  • Talk Title __________________________________________
  • Talk Title __________________________________________
  • Talk Title __________________________________________
  • Talk Title __________________________________________
  • Talk Title __________________________________________
  • Talk Title __________________________________________
  • Talk Title __________________________________________

I would appreciate your approval as soon as possible.

