Sophie DeBenedetto
Senior Engineer at Github and Co-author of Programming Phoenix LiveView
Sophie is an engineer at GitHub and co-author of Programming Phoenix LiveView. She is a graduate of, and former teacher at, The Flatiron School and has a passion for coding education. That passion, plus her love of Elixir, has also led her to become a maintainer of Elixir School, a free, open-source Elixir curriculum. She also participates in an Elixir mentoring program and is always seeking opportunities to help others learn and grow. Historically she is a cat person but will admit to owning a dog.
Past Activities
Code BEAM V Europe 2021
14.30 - 18.30
Shipping Greenfield Elixir in a Legacy World
You’ve built a monolith, but the constraints of your legacy system are slowing you down. You love working with Elixir---Supervisors, built-in distribution, and fault tolerance make it a great fit for the needs of your team and your product---but a rewrite would be expensive and time consuming. If only there was a way to seamlessly integrate a new Elixir application into your ecosystem. Well, there is a way to do exactly that! In this course, we’ll show you how to build autonomous, event-driven systems with Elixir, RabbitMQ and Google Protobuf that let you decouple the data your ecosystem creates from the systems that create them. This opens the path to greenfield applications, and Elixir, in your legacy world.
- Moderate Elixir experience
- Advanced Elixir experience
- No experience with RabbitMQ or Google Protobuf required
- 1 day
- This course is for anyone that wants to bring Elixir into your existing tech stack.
- Those interested in event-driven design.
- Those interested in working with message brokers like RabbitMQ
- Moderate Elixir experience is a plus but no prior knowledge of RabbitMQ or Google Protobuf is assumed.
- Elixir and Inter-Process Communication create the blueprint for integrating Elixir into your existing tech stack. By the end of the day, you’ll understand when and why to reach for IPC and how to leverage Elixir’s fault-tolerance and concurrency capabilities to create an event-driven system that seamlessly brings Elixir into your existing ecosystem.
- You’ll learn how to identify scenarios that can benefit from IPC, and then we’ll dive right into building an IPC system. Starting with the basics of RabbitMQ and how to interact with it in Elixir, we’ll move on to discussing the challenges of message synchronization and how Google Protobuf solves some of these problems.
- You'll see how Elixir's concurrency and fault tolerance features--in particular supervision trees and the "let it crash" mentality--make Elixir the perfect fit for building IPC. We'll wrap up with a look at some deployment concerns and strategies.
- Inter-Process Communication (IPC) and event-driven design
- Working with RabbitMQ and Elixir
- Working with Google Protobuf and Elixir
- You’ll have a path forward to integrating greenfield Elixir applications into your legacy system, in a way that your team can deliver on, while still meeting the needs of your business.
- You’ll learn how to think about event-driven systems, by creating an ecosystem of rich messages whose utility extends beyond their source application, moving you towards a Microservice-Oriented Architecture.
- You’ll see all the ways in which Elixir is the perfect fit for such a system.
Code BEAM V America
09.00 - 17.00
Shipping Greenfield Elixir in a Legacy World
You’ve built a monolith, but the constraints of your legacy system are slowing you down. You love working with Elixir---Supervisors, built-in distribution, and fault tolerance make it a great fit for the needs of your team and your product---but a rewrite would be expensive and time consuming. If only there was a way to seamlessly integrate a new Elixir application into your ecosystem. Well, there is a way to do exactly that! In this course, we’ll show you how to build autonomous, event-driven systems with Elixir, RabbitMQ and Google Protobuf that let you decouple the data your ecosystem creates from the systems that create them. This opens the path to greenfield applications, and Elixir, in your legacy world.
- Moderate Elixir experience
- Advanced Elixir experience
- No experience with RabbitMQ or Google Protobuf required
- 1 day
- This course is for anyone that wants to bring Elixir into your existing tech stack.
- Those interested in event-driven design.
- Those interested in working with message brokers like RabbitMQ
- Moderate Elixir experience is a plus but no prior knowledge of RabbitMQ or Google Protobuf is assumed.
- Elixir and Inter-Process Communication create the blueprint for integrating Elixir into your existing tech stack. By the end of the day, you’ll understand when and why to reach for IPC and how to leverage Elixir’s fault-tolerance and concurrency capabilities to create an event-driven system that seamlessly brings Elixir into your existing ecosystem.
- You’ll learn how to identify scenarios that can benefit from IPC, and then we’ll dive right into building an IPC system. Starting with the basics of RabbitMQ and how to interact with it in Elixir, we’ll move on to discussing the challenges of message synchronization and how Google Protobuf solves some of these problems.
- You'll see how Elixir's concurrency and fault tolerance features--in particular supervision trees and the "let it crash" mentality--make Elixir the perfect fit for building IPC. We'll wrap up with a look at some deployment concerns and strategies.
- Inter-Process Communication (IPC) and event-driven design
- Working with RabbitMQ and Elixir
- Working with Google Protobuf and Elixir
- You’ll have a path forward to integrating greenfield Elixir applications into your legacy system, in a way that your team can deliver on, while still meeting the needs of your business.
- You’ll learn how to think about event-driven systems, by creating an ecosystem of rich messages whose utility extends beyond their source application, moving you towards a Microservice-Oriented Architecture.
- You’ll see all the ways in which Elixir is the perfect fit for such a system.
Code BEAM V Europe 2021
15.50 - 16.30
Fireside Chat on LiveView, the Future of Phoenix Web Development
Join Bruce Tate and Sophie DeBenedetto, authors of Programming Phoenix LiveView, for a fireside chat on LiveView and its impact on the future of web development.
LiveView will change the way you develop single-page apps and increase Elixir and Phoenix adoption. It gives teams the ability to move fast while focusing brain power purely on the server-side, using the power of Elixir and Phoenix to support fault-tolerant single-page flows.
Bruce and Sophie will talk about some of the basic building blocks that make LiveView so powerful, including discussions of how LiveView lets you build complex interactive flows without writing any JavaScript, how this differs from traditional SPA development, what it's like to test LiveView, what the Surface component library brings to the table, and how you can design a beautiful, layered UI with one simple pattern.
This chat will be an interactive conversation not only between Sophie and Bruce, but also with you, the audience. Bring your LiveView questions so we can have a lively discussion about what LiveView brings to web development, and where it needs to go next.
Code BEAM America 2021
11.15 - 11.55
Panel Discussion: Message Protocols and The BEAM
In an increasingly connected technological landscape, message passing between applications, organizations, and devices is more critical than ever before. We'll be joined by Pawel Chrzaszcz, Architect of MongooseIM at Erlang Solutions, RabbitMQ contributor Ayanda Dube, and Emqx.io Global VP Dylan Kennedy. These XMPP, AMQP, and MQTT experts will chat about when to reach for these protocols and why, share their thoughts on why these technologies were built, and tell us about their own experiences building on top of these protocols. Whether you're focused on IoT messaging, message passing within the infrastructure of your business, or super secure messaging between organizations, you'll have a chance to ask questions and dive into the wide world of messaging on the BEAM and beyond.
Code BEAM V America
12.00 - 12.40
Fireside chat on Live view with Bruce Tate and Sophie DeBenedetto
Bruce Tate and Sophie DeBenedetto, co-authors of Pragmatic Bookshelf's LiveView book, discuss what's so great about LiveView and how it will change web development forever.
LiveView will change the way you develop single-page apps. By allowing you to focus your brain power purely on the server, and use the power of Elixir and Phoenix to support fault-tolerant single-page flows, you and your team will be more productive than ever before.
Our host, Sophie, will pose some questions for our guest, Bruce, that dig into what LiveView is and how it differs drastically from traditional SPA development frameworks, how you can leverage LiveView to solve almost any problem a typical SPA needs to address, what this means for the future of web development and where LiveView is going next. Bruce will also have a chance to ask Sophie some questions.